Our Specialties
Building Science

A quality structure is judged by more than simply its aesthetic. It must also withstand the elements, its inhabitants, and the test of time. It should maintain a level of comfort with as little effort as possible and it must be a healthy environment for those who live and work in it.
Consideration of all natural and artificial elements is critical to maintaining this balance. At Semmes, we continuously hone our expertise around the science of building—both in theory and application—making us a valued member of the design team as assemblies and materials are specified. Attention to durability, vapor transmissivity, air barriers, heat transfer, daylight and artificial lighting, sound transmission, acoustics, fire and wildland safety, indoor air quality, ventilation and of course water and energy efficiency, must all be explored in concert with the design and site conditions.
Our recommendations are always based on details and selections that demonstrate a blend of tried-and-true techniques, as well as cutting edge technology and equipment.
We would love to talk with you further about how these methods might apply to your project or work with you to develop a new one. Please contact Jessica Steely at jessicas@semmesco.com